Personal Radiation Monitor
A personal radiation monitor is often referred to as a “badge” or a “film badge.” Some types of these monitors still use film while others use a small, thin crystal (often called a "TLD") or a special powder. All of these devices are used to measure the amount of radiation to which someone has been exposed, usually in an occupational setting (e.g., an x-ray technologist in a hospital).
Each type of personal radiation monitor works differently:
The degree of darkening on a film badge is related to the amount of radiation exposure.
The amount of light given off when the thin crystal is heated is related to the amount of radiation exposure.
The amount of light given off when the special powder is excited by a laser of a certain wavelength is related to the amount of radiation exposure.
These monitors generally are issued to people exposed to penetrating radiation such as x rays and medium- to high-energy gamma rays. They are not routinely issued to people working with radionuclides in academic research laboratories for two reasons: the activity of the radioactive materials used is too small to measure external exposure and the most commonly used radionuclides are not external radiation exposure hazards (many are medium- and low-energy beta emitters).